Not yet a Member?
One of the three jewels of Buddhism is sangha, the community of practitioners. We welcome practioners from complete beginners to those with many years of experience. More information can be learned here. |
Member News
Contact the webmaster with any news or events you would like to share with the rest of the sangha. Notices should be brief and unformated. Thanks.
Mission Statement
Zen Columbus Sangha is an independent community of Zen practitioners in Central Ohio. As an open, participant-led sangha, we support each other's practice and welcome anyone interested in exploring the Zen Buddhist path.
We do this through:
•offering a space to sit regularly with others in a non-judgmental atmosphere of self-awareness,
•holding orientation sessions for those interested in Zen,
•making available books and recorded talks on the Dharma and information on retreats in the area ,
•arranging for teachers to meet with the Sangha.
Zen Columbus Sangha was originally founded as Columbus Zen Corner in the Diamond Sangha tradition of Robert Aitken Roshi. It is now a participant-led Zen sangha whose individual members practice according to a variety of traditions.
Member Resources
ZCS Library
We have a great collection of books, audio talks and downloads. [enter here]
Librarian: Tom Tucker
eMail forum
Zen Columbus Sangha has two Yahoo Groups, one for members and one for those interested in the business behind the scenes. If you are interested in what is happening within the group, contact the moderator for further info or to join the e-mail group.
Leader Resources
The opening schedule and other resources for those leading the sits. For those interested in including leading as part of your practice, stay tuned to the ZCS Business listserv for training opportunities.