Membership Guidelines
One of the three jewels of Buddhism is sangha, the community of practitioners. Zen Columbus Sangha membership guidelines are intended to strengthen our sangha, and further its mission to provide regular opportunities for the practice of meditation and study of the dharma.
Everyone is welcome to participate in Zen Columbus Sangha sits and events.
Members show their commitment to our sangha by making a financial commitment of $10 per month or $120 per year. (Those unable to contribute at this level can give what they are able.)
Members also participate in work practice, in keeping with the Zen tradition of samu, by contributing at least 10 hours of service within a twelve-month period. Qualifying tasks include, but are not limited to:
- participating in sit leadership (after Leader Training)
- setting up the room prior to sits
- providing flowers, candles, or incense for the altar
- attending business meetings
- providing refreshments for business meetings or dharma talks
- conducting Orientation
- organizing recorded dharma talks
- assisting with special events
- facilitating the book group
- interfacing with First UU
- managing the website
- managing the listservs
- acting as an officer
- participating in Sangha work projects.
Members will keep track of their own hours of participation in sangha tasks, in cooperation with the Membership Chair.
Mailing Address
Please send checks or money orders to:
Zen Columbus Sangha
P.O Box 14267
Columbus, OH 43214
Please include all of your contact information along with email address.
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